We Are One Of The Best Orthopedic & General Disease Hospital In Churu.


We at Shivam Hospital provide continuing, Comprehensive Health Care for the individual and for the entire family.


Family medicine is a specialty that provides comprehensive healthcare for a person or a family. This medical specialty amalgamates biological, clinical, and behavioral sciences. Family medicine has great scope and it encompasses all ages, genders, organ systems, and diseases. You can always visit the top family medicine hospitals to get a routine health checkup.

Why choose Shivam Hospital ?

Family Medicine (FM) or Family Healthcare, formerly known as Family Practice (FP), is a medical speciality devoted to comprehensive health care for people of all ages. The specialist is called family physician, family doctor, or formerly known as family practitioner. It is a division of primary care that provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and family across all ages, genders, diseases and specialities.

It is based on knowledge of the patient in the context of the family and the community, emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion. According to the World Organization of Family Doctors (Wonca), the aim of family medicine is to provide personal, comprehensive and continuing care for the individual in the context of the family and the community. The issues of values underlying this practice are usually known as primary care ethics.

As a leading multispecialty hospital in Churu, we know how family dynamics can affect each member’s health and overall well-being. We address the physical, emotional, mental, and social needs of children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. We also provide comprehensive care to expectant mothers and babies and nurture a comprehensive family healthcare.

Common illnesses treated:

If you have to visit the best family healthcare hospital in India then you need to be aware of the kind of diseases treated by primary medical care. Some of them are as follows-


This is a common lung disease that causes inflammation in the main air passages of the lungs. Some of the common symptoms include severe coughing, which can also be mistaken for a common cold. People who are suffering from bronchitis for a long period are known to have chronic bronchitis.

Fluctuating blood pressure-

This is a common illness that is treated by a family medicine hospital in India. If not treated as soon as possible, high and low blood pressure can lead to serious issues like heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, and other crucial conditions. This is why family medicine and primary doctors check their patient’s blood pressure whenever they come in for an appointment.


Two major types of diabetes affect the general population- Type 1 and 2 diabetes. Family medicine helps make a proper diagnosis of diabetes by helping them perform a blood glucose test.

High cholesterol-

If not kept in check, high cholesterol can lead to many dangerous heart conditions. High cholesterol levels can cause heart attack and stroke if not attended. Cholesterol levels can shoot up when your diet, weight, and physical activity levels are not kept in check.


This is a chronic lung disease that usually starts from childhoods; it leads to shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. Various factors can induce asthma, including genetic factors.

Headaches and Migraines-

Everyone is bound to experience a minor headache now and then. But, when those headaches go from mild to intense and stay for a long time, that’s where it can get worrisome and may signal a problem. Strong and painful headaches that can render a person helpless are usually classified as migraines.

Respiratory infections-

If a respiratory or sinus infection is not treated immediately then it can lead to other health problems. Sinus infections can start by being uncomfortable and then build up and get worse over time.

Here are some of the other illnesses that are treated by primary care physicians-
  • Scrapes and cuts
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Inflammation in the arms and legs
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Menopause
  • Minor burns
  • Cancer screenings
  • Nosebleeds
  • Fever and cold
  • Allergies
  • Skin conditions
  • Fungal infections

If you suffer from any of the illnesses mentioned above then you have to visit a family medicine hospital.

Diagnosis in family medicine-

In every family medicine hospital, diagnosis is an important implication for patient care, research, and implementation of policies. The diagnostic process in primary medicine is as follows-

Firstly, a patent will experience a health problem. This is where they will accept that something is not right and decide to meet with a medical professional.

Next, the primary care doctor will start a process that includes information gathering, integration, and interpretation. This will help them come to a working diagnosis.

If the symptoms are severe and can’t be treated with basic medication, then the family doctor will perform a clinical history interview and order some tests which will gather information and help them understand the patient’s health problem.

It’s also important that you communicate with your doctor about your current symptoms. This will help them make the proper diagnosis.

Treatment Benefits of primary care physicians-

Primary care includes health promotion, prevention of diseases, health maintenance, counseling, diagnosis, patient education, and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses.

They follow your life cycle:

Since family doctors treat a wide range of conditions they can be primary care doctors at any point in your life. This is beneficial to you and your family because in the long term it means that you are building a lasting relationship with a family doctor.

They know your personal and family history:

When a doctor treats you for a long time it means they have an accurate history of your medical records, and when they treat various generations of the family they get accurate information of the family health history.

Family doctors treat more than you think:

Family doctors do more than a yearly checkup, they help you manage chronic conditions like diabetes and arthritis, as well as treat acute situations like sinus infections. They can also perform minor surgical procedures like freezing warts or draining an abscess.